In Umdoni area, Cllr Asghar is hosting an ‘Each one Feed one’ campaign at the Umzinto Offices. Members from the community that can donate, or sponsor hampers or items of food deliver them at our office and we distribute to community members who leave their names at the office if they are in need of food. The campaign is growing well, and we are helping to fight hunger in our community.
We hosted the Al Jama-ah KZN Region finance policy workshop at the Umzinto office which was presented by the Al Jama-ah accountant, Mr. Waleed Davids. The KZN region staff were in attendance.
Riaz Randeree assisted us in Umdoni by receiving a donation of 100 rolls of fabric with a total value of R45 000. We will supply this fabric to unemployed skilled women who have sewing machines as a way to increase job creation in the community.
The Al Jama-ah Umzinto Offices continues to assist the community with Indigent free water applications and rates applications and thus far has written off approximately R900 000 worth of water bills from several community members. The office is opened to the public if they require any needs of assistance or service delivery.

Riaz Randeree assisted us in gettng 100 rolls of fabric to the value of R45 000, shoes to the value of R7500, clothing to the value of R2500 and also assisting Ml Milanzi with office furniture to the value of R10 000.
His project plan is together with Cllr Asghar Khan and NEC Member Mr. Faizal Khan.
With the fabric, Raiz Randeree and Cllr Asghar Khan plan on signing up a minimum of 10 paid up members per roll. This will be a sustainable programme so that the unemployed skilled workers can come on their feet with the fabric we provided them. The programme is all about empowerment.
Riaz plans on gettng clothing manufacturers to sponsor us machines so that we can start up sewing classes at the Umzinto Office. He also attended the Finance Policy workshop in Umzinto.
Their work this month is focusing on gettng new recruits and also visiting their villages reminding members to pay their fees. Villages covered are Edendale ward 12, Sinathing, Nhlazathe and Honeyville.
They bought 50kgs of potato seeds for their members in Mashingeni at the cost of R600.
They attended the policy Workshop in Umzinto and had the privilege of Riaz Randeree and Mr Waleed the accountant who visited them the day after the workshop.
In November they want to focus on campaigning in three areas, Raisethorpe, City centre and two new villages. They have been invited to visit and meet families that are interested in becoming our members.
Their request is that the skills centre must be established in all offices and spread to all villages. These should include not only sewing, baking and farming but also information and technology skills development.
Last week there was a speech contest at the Luthuli Museum and Ma Luthuli was one of the judges. 28 Schools participated over two days. This maybe benefit Al Jama-ah in a long run.
The project of sanitary towels has a chance of being supported by a local man, Mr Mtshali, who received a truck load of sewing machines. They are negotiating.
If Riaz could assist with material the project could take off fast. Shameeda will train them to address primary schools on body care, body development, and expected behaviour.
That will also benefit Al Jama-ah in a long run.
During this month he appointed two members to attend the training by IEC for preparation of the 18 and 19 registration weekend as well as 2024 national elections (party agents training).
He also assisted an 88 year old lady with a wheelchair – as the other one who was given a wheelchair just passed away two months ago and it was collected to help others who are in need of it .
They also did door to door campaign as usual telling people about the importance of registering to vote and voting Al Jama-ah for the year 2024, and signing up members who are willing to join the party.
He visited one of our party representatives at Pietermaritzburg (Ml Abdul Aziz) just to do an oversight visit over his wonderful Job in his Agriculture project which is excellent. He and his wife are doing a great job putting Al Jama-ah on the map in Pietermaritzburg area.

The community of Qwa-Qwa has requested that they be helped in getting their membership cards, they also requested that are assisted with their requests that they asked for in the past months, it will be very sad if that is not successful, as the community of Qwa-Qwa has put a lot of hope in Al Jama-ah.
They are very much asking for help with the problem as they are afraid of the way the community of Ha-Sethunya village has entered.
They are struggling with hunger as they are suffering from electricity, and they say that the cultivation of gardens and fields is the last hope they have. They have a requested for help with transport as they continue to campaign in remote villages for lack of transport, which makes it difficult to reach our community at large and the public is very interested in paying membership fees.
It gives them great hope the way they have received the support from organizations such as the MPA16 which is an independent organization here in Qwa-Qwa
The most hopeful thing is that the leaders who entered Al Jama-ah and their followers in these organizations are returning from them. They are busy gathering their wards and looking forward to the 2024 elections. They have managed to sign up 728 we have 101 paid up members we have already deposited R1050, we are busy collecting R450 for 30 new members.
They had a meeting with the royal family with the renovation of the house for tourism as President requested. A list has been made for the ladies. Since they have postponed the event, they are waiting for the NWC to give them the go ahead again.
A few houses and roads were damaged in the rural areas due to the floods
Thanked the President and the CEO for continuous support to Limpopo and always coming on board when any need arises and the entire Al Jamah NWC. They are preparing for 2024 general elections with everything they have and wants to be the Al Jama-ah stronghold Province.
In the months of October, they did not plan any events in order to try to ease the burden on the party they we had other things that they did such as door to door in Pharare and Shiluvane .
However, they were forced to ask the party for assistance for the following’s programs.
1. Bela Bela Annual madrasah Jalsa
2. Transport to transport goods for the office in Polokwane
3. Transport to the funeral of Mr Phiri
The Warmbaths Jinnah Park invite was one of the programs that was instrumental as it paved a way for our relationship with the Muslim community and gave them the idea that by 2024, they must have approached all the Muslim communities in Limpopo.
He addressed the crowd and told them on why it is important to vote for Al Jama-ah
The congregants were so happy to a point where they had to get shirts for them and Dr Dada is responsible there and he also promised to help us get funding for our programs.
They got office equipment and through the Donation of Dr Dada but in doing so we were asked to arrange for transportation.
We are in the process of renovating the office and once they are done, they are going to invite the party to come and see the office by Mid November 2023.
They thank the party for the transport to the funeral of one of our own. This showed
the community that we indeed care of our people. They are also having a launch in Lulekani on 11 November 2023
They are going to be victorious as the province and the party should not give up on them as we are stronger together
On the 2nd November 2023 Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso was deployed alongside Cde Mpho Kgomosotho to meet up with the leadership of the African Unified Movement (AUM), which is the Mpumalanga based political party following the proposal sent by the party to AL JAMA-AH. The meeting was held successfully at the Perry’s Bridge Hollow Boutique Hotel in Nelspruit.
Then follow up meet and greet was arranged in Thaba Cheu sub region where we were introduced to some of the members of the party and had to explain our ideologies and policies to large constituents of the party. The AUM party has 1 councillors in Thaba Cheu Municipality and 1 in Bushbuckridge, the party looks to be on a growing spike in the Mpumalanga region.
Terms of engagement
1. AUM members votes for AL Jama-ah party in the 2024 elections considering that the party only contests Local Government elections
2. AL Jama-ah to provide resources for the party ahead of 2024 NPE through the coordination deployed member from AL jama-ah
3. A follow up meeting to be arranged to consolidate an MOU
4. AUM to have shirts printed both logos to attract their members
5. Collective mass meeting to be arranged to introduce party fully to AUM ground forces
6. Parties to operate autonomous and on result based agreement
AUM elections performance
1. Thaba Cheu Local Municipality- 1.30% in the LGE
2. Bushbuckridge – 1.45%
3. Bi-Electoons – 3.56%
Recommendations to the NWC
1. Use the party as pilot to establish ourselves in the Mpumalanga region
2. Have a follow up meeting with the party preferably in Pretoria
3. Use it as satellite to brand ourselves in Mpumalanga
4. Give them time to draft what the offer to us as the party
5. Have a result-based MOU with the AUM
6. Task them to have mass meeting for us to test their ground before commiting ourselves into an MOU.
Report submitted on behalf of Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso and Cde Mpho Kgomosotho
Thanked the President and the CEO for continuous support to Limpopo and always coming on board when any need arises and the entire Al Jamah NWC. They are preparing for 2024 general elections with everything they have and wants to be the Al Jama-ah stronghold Province.
In the months of October, they did not plan any events in order to try to ease the burden on the party they we had other things that they did such as door to door in Pharare and Shiluvane .
However, they were forced to ask the party for assistance for the following’s programs.
1. Bela Bela Annual madrasah Jalsa
2. Transport to transport goods for the office in Polokwane
3. Transport to the funeral of Mr Phiri
The Warmbaths Jinnah Park invite was one of the programs that was instrumental as it paved a way for our relationship with the Muslim community and gave them the idea that by 2024, they must have approached all the Muslim communities in Limpopo.
He addressed the crowd and told them on why it is important to vote for Al Jama-ah
The congregants were so happy to a point where they had to get shirts for them and Dr Dada is responsible there and he also promised to help us get funding for our programs.
They got office equipment and through the Donation of Dr Dada but in doing so we were asked to arrange for transportation.
We are in the process of renovating the office and once they are done, they are going to invite the party to come and see the office by Mid November 2023.
They thank the party for the transport to the funeral of one of our own. This showed
the community that we indeed care of our people. They are also having a launch in Lulekani on 11 November 2023
They are going to be victorious as the province and the party should not give up on them as we are stronger together
On the 2nd November 2023 Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso was deployed alongside Cde Mpho Kgomosotho to meet up with the leadership of the African Unified Movement (AUM), which is the Mpumalanga based political party following the proposal sent by the party to AL JAMA-AH. The meeting was held successfully at the Perry’s Bridge Hollow Boutique Hotel in Nelspruit. Then follow up meet and greet was arranged in Thaba Cheu sub region where we were introduced to some of the members of the party and had to explain our ideologies and policies to large constituents of the party. The AUM party has 1 councillors in Thaba Cheu Municipality and 1 in Bushbuckridge, the party looks to be on a growing spike in the Mpumalanga region.
Terms of engagement
1. AUM members votes for AL Jama-ah party in the 2024 elections considering that the party only contests Local Government elections
2. AL Jama-ah to provide resources for the party ahead of 2024 NPE through the coordination deployed member from AL jama-ah
3. A follow up meeting to be arranged to consolidate an MOU
4. AUM to have shirts printed both logos to attract their members
5. Collective mass meeting to be arranged to introduce party fully to AUM ground
6. Parties to operate autonomous and on result based agreement
AUM elections performance
1. Thaba Cheu Local Municipality- 1.30% in the LGE
2. Bushbuckridge – 1.45%
3. Bi-Elections – 3.56%
Recommendations to the NWC
1. Use the party as pilot to establish ourselves in the Mpumalanga region
2. Have a follow up meeting with the party preferably in Pretoria
3. Use it as satellite to brand ourselves in Mpumalanga
4. Give them time to draft what the offer to us as the party
5. Have a result-based MOU with the AUM
6. Task them to have mass meeting for us to test their ground before committing ourselves into an MOU.
Report submitted on behalf of Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso and Cde Mpho Kgomosotho