Press Release
Stop patriarchy rule in ladies soccer
Al Jama-ah Party calls on the Minister of Sports to stop the domination of patriarchy in ladies’ soccer clubs.
Al Jama-ah comments on the Equity Employment Act
Al Jama-ah submits dramatic proposals to the Equity Employment Act
Al Jama-ah and the Mayor of City of Johannesburg aim to unlock the next Industrial Revolution in South Africa
Day of Arafat Celebration
Eid Al Adha: Al Jama-ah has slaughtered 50 lambs for distribution amongst its Western Cape Constituency
Al Jama-ah tells LGBTQI+ groups to stop forcing its practices on society
LGBTQI+ community wants to deliberately redefine family according to its definition.
Al Jama-ah’s announces candidate for Ward 7
Al Jama-ah Party has embarked on a vigorous campaign to win the by-elections in Ward 7 Finetown, Ennerdale (Johannesburg)
Making a Definite Stand vs all forms of Zionism
Al Jama-ah gives its full support to UCT’s Palestinian Solidarity Forum and Solidarity Campaign.
Allegations against COJ Mayor Gwamanda
Al Jama-ah says the DA’s former mayor in the City of Johannesburg is a ‘sore loser’ using unfounded allegations against the Party’s newly elected mayor
Private Members Bill highly commended by Minister of Home Affairs
Members of Parliament recommend that the PMB be incorporated into government’s Omnibus Bill
The registration of Muslim marriages at home affairs
Al Jama-Ah’s Bill seeks a mechanism to establish the registration of Muslim marriages with the Home Affairs
Former DA mayor of Johannesburg should not return as mayor
The decision to ‘collapse’ the municipality is to prevent the DA’s former mayor from being re-elected
NO loadshedding on the day of Eid ul Fitr
Presidency advices Al Jama-ah to engage Minister of Public Enterprises and Eskom to keep the lights on
Corruption is to blame for the energy crisis
Al Jama-ah says the country’s energy crisis is not the result of technical issues.
Al Jama-ah remembers Dr Aafia Siddiqui
Al Jama-ah remembers Prisoner of Conscience, Dr Aafia Siddiqui incarcerated in the USA.
Al Jama-ah supports calls for change in South Africa
Al Jama-ah presentation on registration of Marriage Amendment Bill
Motion without Notice on the death of Rafiq Rohan
Al Jama-ah honours Prisoner of Conscience, Dr Aafia Siddiqui and others
Al Jama-ah’s response towards President Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet changes
Al Jama-ah prepares an emergency plan in the event of the electricity grid collapsing.
International Women’s Day
Al Jama-ah honours National Womens’ Day.
AL JAMA-AH honours International Women’s Day:
A year of decisive action to advance women’s rights in South Africa, Africa, and the world.
Adv Sallie and Turkish Ambassador Ayşegül Kanda
Al Jama-ah supports calls from the Mandela Royal House for sanctions against Israel
Al Jama-ah salutes PC Jones, a Black Consciousness exponent
SONA DEBATE 2023 – AL JAMA-AH calls for defensive weapons for Palestine
Sona Expectations: Its time to invest in the Youth
AL JAMA-AH expects SONA will prioritise 1000 youth-owned businesses as promised in 2021
Al Jama-ah Councillor becomes Mayor of CoJ
Al Jama-ah welcomes deployment of SANDF at Eskom plants
Al Jama-ah says parents have a right to enrol children at schools of their choice
AL JAMA-AH To Roll Out QR Code
AL JAMA-AH honours veteran journalist in Western Cape Provincial Parliament
We condemn the Departments proposals for unisex bathrooms in schools
Al Jama-ah to deploy “anti-devolution protection officers” in Western Cape
Amend the legislation to address Equal pay for work of Equal value.
Al Jama-ah condemns News 24 and its Diabolical Headlines
AL JAMA-AH remembers Imam Abdullah Haron
The UN Food ambassador visits the Al Jama-ah Peanut Butter Factory!