Adv Salie, MP of Al Jama-ah conducted an oversight visit in Northwest at Impala Rugby club, which is 135 years old.
A major transformation is taking place if one considers the history of the area and our country.
There have been challenges faced in terms of management of this club, lease, attempts at capturing, and current issue of resolution passed at municipality in Favour of current management, but the club still awaits finalization of and signing of contract, which is yet to be provided by the municipality.
The Municipality contribution to this club is minimal.
Management and private stakeholders have mostly been involved in improvement, upkeep and transformation at this rugby club. The improvements and maintenance are evident on visit and confirmed by the municipality.
Currently there is a 3-year contract which is a concern what happens to all improvements with these limited contracts.
It is further highly concerning that considering the history and issues surrounding this grounds that to date there is no report provided on issues faced.
Al Jama-ah MP duly raised concerns surrounding the danger of limited contracts especially where main stakeholders on improvement have been private companies, and members themselves.
Further concerns highlighted were surrounding the failure of a signed contract being finalized.
Where the municipality has provided minimal assistance and where after challenges faced, there has been lack of urgency on a contract to be finalized between the club and the municipality. It became evident that the delay stems from the municipality.
Al Jama-ah further queried an amount of 2020/2021 noted for by DSAC as a district Sport Academy program to support emerging and high-performance athletes a Northwest budget of R4820000 identified for Impala Rugby Club Rustenburg. Such funds were never received. The department has promised to investigate and respond.
Adv Salie further raised concerns as to a report on issues had yet to be drafted and was not yet available.