
Al Jama-ah’s revised position regarding the GNU unpacked

Al Jama-ah’s revised position regarding the GNU; was based on the ANC’s SoI.
Despite the shortcomings pointed out in an earlier sections, the ANC’s proposal of a recrafted GNU differed substantially from that which it presented to the DA. This reconfiguration does not imply being ‘in bed’ with the DA as many critics assume; quite the contrary in fact.

Joining the ‘ANC’s Liberation Movement’ GNU model actually:
(a) waters down the DA’s political powers,
(b) marginalizes DA’s influence in all spheres of government,
(c) allows its critical foreign policy against the Zionist state to continue; and
(d) its legal quest to charge the Zionist state’s political leader for ‘crimes against humanity’ to remain on the cards.

Factoring in these elements the following should be observed:

Firstly, Al Jama-ah has not been supportive of a GNU in which the DA is a major political player; it expressed its position quite categorically and it holds onto it to this day. In fact, it is unlikely that the party will adopt any other position towards the DA; a party that have not condemned the Zionist state’s atrocious acts of genocide.

Secondly, the party has also stood up against the DA’s clandestine position towards the Western Cape’s quest to become ‘independent;’ there is much evidence that underscores the fact that it supported the despicable Referendum Party that arrogantly demands the province’s exit.

Thirdly, the party’s leadership opted to enter the GNU based on the understanding that the DA’s position will eventually fade; considering its weakened status, it was felt that it can join to bolster the liberation movements’ stance but also hope that it can contribute in a more meaningful way if it is IN instead of OUT of the GNU.

Fourthly, the leadership contends that being part of the GNU would imply that it can put forward workable proposals and practical ideas that may assist in influencing the GNU’s position on different levels and in various ways.

Fifthly, the party expresses the view that with its foot in the GNU, it does not mean that it has a cosy seat next to the group of Zionist funded parties but that it has (a) a voice in the GNU on behalf of its constituencies, and (b) an opportunity to counter any neoliberal policy proposed in parliament that subtly discriminates and counters important initiatives.

Sixthly, the leadership of the party is aware that many from within and outside the party is not in agreement with the leadership’s arguments in being part of the revised GNU initiative; the leadership’s position is, however, based on ‘an informed risk;’ this stance was not taken lightly when it was eventually adopted. The risk is embedded in the fact that the party will use its persuasive political powers to make the necessary legislative changes as it did during the 6th parliament.

Seventhly, the party opines that along with other like-minded parties, which came from the Progressive Caucus, it can sway the views towards supporting progressive positive projects in and beyond parliament; it will employ its strategic position to counter any suspected DA neoliberal moves that deliberately wish to go against human rights and social welfare forces.

Eighthly, the party is also convinced that being part of the re-constructed GNU would mean that it will not only be involved in the National Dialogue (ND) that will take place within the next three weeks but also be a participant in the Social Compact project that will be an outcome of that forum; both are critical as the GNU marches forward.

Ninthly, the ND and other stakeholders will pave the way for a national policy cum fiscal conference; one that will ensure the SCP’s formation. The latter will include civil society organizations and other stakeholders that will add their insights to this sector SCP .

Lastly, it sees itself as an important political player that intends to put forward or moot ‘decent jobs’ programs in parliament; it views its position as a critical one similar to what it had undertaken during the previous parliamentary session.

So, from the above list, the party is taking a worthy risk that will, hopefully, ensure that there are positive returns for our communities across the country. It cannot afford to lose the gains that it has made in both the rural and the metropolitan areas. It has proven to be a noteworthy contributor towards change and thus argue that it can continue with these within the revised GNU setting.

In Conclusion: As a Political Party, founded on Islamic ethos, Al Jama-ah continues to serve as ‘a platform for all communities’ and shows that it continues to demonstrate Al Jama-ah Effect in diverse ways! At present, it is a political party that is leading the socio-political discourses in the reestablishment of a self-determined Government of Local Unity; one that was unfolding in the City of Johannesburg since February 2023.

The party embarked on this journey following a failed DA lead coalition that was due to white arrogance, tyranny, and the subjugation of partner black political parties. The party and its leadership have been paying close attention to this cliché and nuances regarding the DA’s brazen conduct as regards the circumstances associated with the GNU.

It is the party’s view that the GNU’s Political Steering Committee (PSC) is in itself the ultimate battlefield to not only fight for the preservation of our communities’ liberty from the neoliberal DA and its support for minority (white) rule but to also endeavour to push them out of the GNU structures completely considering the fact that they only holding onto their 20% and not more.

After a meeting with a delegation from the ANC’s NEC and the leader of our party as well as the Gauteng Provincial Chairperson along with the National Head of Strategy the following points were recorded:

Al Jama-ah’s initial position was the outright rejection of the GNU; this position was declared to be exactly that at the end of the mentioned meeting. The party subsequently undertook robust engagements and debates within its NWC along with its set of counsellors considering the implications of a perplexed and cornered ANC that was at the mercy of an opportunistic DA.

It is, therefore, against this backdrop that party undertook to test the legitimacy of the process by entering the GNU; this was with complete aggression and tactical battle formation. The party is further cognisant of the fact that its mere rejection and condemnation of the DA’s participation in forming the government of the day without meaningful action will not assist in averting the inevitable.

It will not backbench while the gains of our country’s democracy are at risk of being reversed; factoring in these, the party opts to step-in, if only to protect the fundamentals of the liberation struggle and aspirations of South Africans. The party plans to participate because it carries a responsible mandate of its voters, and it will not allow anything to be done for our communities without our participation.

In addition and as a token of our efforts and commitment to corrective measures, it plans to have further discussions with political parties in the Progressive Caucus to enter the GNU; this is as a means to create a government that is self-determined to dismantle the DA sponsored narrative of political expediency and the malicious aspersions of its ‘grand coalition’ model that it had put forward and tried to enforce.

As the party gears up for the GNU 2.0 with an understanding of the DA’s malignancy and plot on the benevolent country, the party wishes to register that there will be no three-state solution in the Republic of South Africa! Our beloved country will not be broken down in the lifetime of our parties and communities. South Africa will remain an apartheid free zone and our foreign policy will remain intact; it will not be dissuaded from taking up the concerns of the oppressed communities in other parts of the world.

The party wants to stress that the Justice Ministries globally will not be allowed to regress in any form or way. The party – along with just-loving nation-states – will protect and safeguard access to education and it intends endeavour implementing policies such as securing decent jobs in an already alarming environment of unemployment and soaring inequalities. Though these are but a few examples of non-negotiable imperatives that the party plans to undertake with the purpose of safeguarding it’s long-list of rights and as the evolving GNU under the ANC’s leadership grapples on how to accommodate the DA in their – hopefully -short lived participation.