


Date: 20 July 2023


AL JAMA-AH’s MP calls on the President to convene an urgent meeting with political party leaders

Al Jama-ah Party leader and Member of Parliament Hon Ganief Hendricks has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to convene an urgent meeting with leaders of all political parties to address yesterday’s suspected underground gas explosion in the City of Johannesburg.

According to reports, the Johannesburg Central District blast caused 1 death and 41 injuries. Al Jama-ah extends its condolences to the family of the deceased person and well wishes to the injured people. The Party is thankful for no further fatalities.

Hendricks calls upon the President to call a meeting regarding this matter; one like the July 2021 KwaZulu Natal and Johannesburg civil unrest indaba. “The President must give us the assurance that the intelligence cluster is on top of things and that we do not have a repeat of what happened in Soweto in 2019,” says Hendricks.

He further calls on the Minister of Police to declare that the precincts of the explosion be considered as a crime scene. The Al Jama-ah leadership will be in Johannesburg this weekend to attend a briefing on the explosion, by the Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda, the Premier and the EFF’s MEC for Safety.

(Voice clip by Al Jama-ah’s leader, Hon Ganief Hendricks MP.)


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Adv Shameemah Salie
Cell: 084 423 0476


Ms Nisa Siers: National Marketing and Communications Manager
Cell: 082 613 1917