Honourable Salie on 5 December addresses parliament on Special appropriation Bill and takes to task Zionist supporters in Parliament.
Full video of address can be found under Parliament YouTube account.
Zionist parties such as ACDP, Action SA and others has issues regarding assistance to Palestine
“Al Jama’ah will reluctantly accept the Special appropriation bill, but there is much to be done in it.
However, the problem surrounding infrastructure, is a historical problem – it is expected of this parliament and future parliaments to fix past problem and failure and if we don’t fix are infrastructure it will cripple our country and people further
Lack of accountability, Foreseeability and corruption has led to much evil in our country.
We all as we are sitting here need to take responsibilities for the failures of the past – increased crime on the Cape Flats and throughout South Africa. We are always talking about the Cape Flats, but crime, unemployment, poverty is extending throughout our country, and it is all of our responsibility. It is not a genocide happening in South Africa, it is a war
A genocide is happening in Palestine, in Kashmir and many other places – where genocide and ethnic cleansing is happening.
To the Honourable Swarts (ACDP) you talk about 95 million rand. We should not worry about the 95 million rand – what we should worry about is that we need law in this country to stop apartheid, not just in our country, but internationally and those who are complicit regarding genocide and apartheid action needs to be taken against these entities.
We applaud the government of SA for pursuing the genocide case against Zionist unlawful occupying Israel entity and we call for drastic steps to be taken against South Africans who support Zionism and apartheid. This action should be precedent for all who supports illegal occupation of countries and apartheid. We however know all too well that there is much more South Africa can do we should stop fuelling the genocide by trading with the unlawful state of Israel.
Honourable members the reality we seeing by the unlawful occupiers in Israel has extended to Sudan, Kashmir and to many other areas if we don’t wake up, we as South Africans are already facing the Zionist tentacles amongst us. We implore on South Africans to wake up and to stop the genocide.
Free Free Palestine!
Viva Hamas
viva all resistance leaders.
We as Al Jama’ah supports a one state solution
one person one vote,
I thank you”
MP Adv. Shameemah Salie