Al Jama-ah showed their support at an open day for Free medical services and checkups offered for the community at large. It took place at the Uwais Alqarni Islamic center in Robertsham. Doctors from every medical field were in attendance. Incoming MP Imraan Moosa and PR Councillor Thapelo Amad,along with our supporters Saleem Hassen and Shehryar Khan were present.
The Uwais Alqarni islamic centre in Robertsham, in conjunction with the IMA and many other partners celebrated mouloud un nabi saw by providing a service to humanity. Similarly the political party Aljama-ah also partnered and shared in the experience of servicing the community of Robertsham.
This is in line with what the party stands for. Credit goes to all who participated, the many professionals, doctors, specialists and volunteers.
The program aimed at providing health and many more services to the entire community with the motto “Come one, come all, whoever you are, wonderer, worshipper and all. ” This is a symbol and call for unity for the community to organize itself well in service of humanity and in the spirit of Ubuntu. Free screenings, meals and a friendly spirit was what the day entailed. About 800 people were serviced throughout the day.