R47 Million Community Centre left to ruin. It must change.

R47 Million Community Centre left to ruin. It must change.

PR councillor Kabelo Nthekiso from North West conducted an oversight visit to a R47million Department of Social Development center that is running in ruins since 2019.

The building is situated in Bheki ward 11(Klipgat). The infrastructure was meant to be for social intergration purposes but lies inactive and unattended.

Councillor Nthekiso has requested that Honourable Ganief Hendricks, Deputy Minister of Social Development and president of Al Jama-ah intervene and follow up on the progress of the center.

Councillor Nthekiso further visited the Ndlalane hall, which is situated in Ward 8, the building has been abandoned and is in the state of decay. The Ndlalane hall used to service the community of Manamela and Ndlalane during periods of SASSA payment dates.

Villagers League Report | November 2023

Villagers League Report | November 2023



In the recent month Cllr Nthekiso and the Madibeng team have engaged in the following programs:

1. Food gardening project which was initiated 2 months back targeting poor of the poor in the communities.

2. Food kitchen aimed at feeding members of the community in phasha maloka VD which in the previous elections was won by aljama. The food kitchen feeds over 140 community members per day and its growing day by day’

3. Repairing of high mass lights, aljama has championed the repairing of high mass lights in the ward 8 area which has recently been engulfed by high crime rates due to darkness that was persistent in the community.

4. Gravelling of soccer fields in the area. The sports field were in unplayable conditions and the Madibeng team intervened to ensure that the soccer and netball fields are prepared and gravelled to ensure that youth fully participates in the sports activities in the community

5. In the previous month the Madibeng team managed to call service providers such as SASSA and home affairs to the area to assist the fragile and needy residents who cannot afford to go to the offices of the institutions. The satellite services were essential in ensuring that community members get exposed to the much needed services.



1. Made a call towards the investigation of irregular leadership and recruitment processes through the committee of local economic development. The recommendation was carried and supported unanimously by all committee members.

2. Rejected notion of continual secondments of Acting Municipal managers which doesn’t stabilize the municipality

3. Submitted a motion for the revival of Mapoch village as a tourism hub to enable job creation and township economy

4. Submitted reports for investigations with the office of the public protector in the North West

5. Pushing for motion to amend bi-laws to allows regulation and support of small business (Passed)

6. Attended Local economic development oversight programs.



As part of 2024 Cllr Nthekiso looks to grow the North West province without any interference. The province is predominantly and African province with Setswana Speaking people dominating the regional ethnicity. Cllr has formulated a strategy to gunner votes in the region and this strategy with need thorough consultations with ground forces to ensure that it does go through without any hindrances. The 2024 NPE will be strategic as they will depend hugely on the balance of forces which is what we looking at. But the primarily goal is galvanizing the motive forces towards believing in our strategies. A program of action will be formulated to ensure a progressive stance towards the national and provincial elections period and to ensure success therein.

The following have been achieved:

1. Persuasion of former Madibeng councillor to join AL JAMA-AH: councillor Sammy Dinga has successfully joined the party. His influence in the GA Rankuwa area is detrimental to us and very important in ensuring stability in the region

2. Launching of GA Rankuwa

3. Launching of Maboloka branch

4. Bilateral engagements with the APWU (trade union) very influential in Madibeng

The most influential branch in Madibeng which is the ward 8 branch will be having its official launch on the 21st October 2023 in Jakkalas Dans. This will be essential in maintaining our support in the area.


This is the detailed report for councillor Kabelo Nthekiso, some of the information might have been omitted in this report which includes videos, posters etc., such information can be found on the councillors official platform on Facebook, which is Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso. Working together without any form of segregation and interference will ensure an utmost victory in the 2024 national elections. Working together we can achieve more than just 1 seat.

Villagers League Report | October 2023

Villagers League Report | October 2023





In Umdoni area, Cllr Asghar is hosting an ‘Each one Feed one’ campaign at the Umzinto Offices. Members from the community that can donate, or sponsor hampers or items of food deliver them at our office and we distribute to community members who leave their names at the office if they are in need of food. The campaign is growing well, and we are helping to fight hunger in our community.

We hosted the Al Jama-ah KZN Region finance policy workshop at the Umzinto office which was presented by the Al Jama-ah accountant, Mr. Waleed Davids. The KZN region staff were in attendance.

Riaz Randeree assisted us in Umdoni by receiving a donation of 100 rolls of fabric with a total value of R45 000. We will supply this fabric to unemployed skilled women who have sewing machines as a way to increase job creation in the community.

The Al Jama-ah Umzinto Offices continues to assist the community with Indigent free water applications and rates applications and thus far has written off approximately R900 000 worth of water bills from several community members. The office is opened to the public if they require any needs of assistance or service delivery.


event-ad-each1feed1 program


Riaz Randeree assisted us in gettng 100 rolls of fabric to the value of R45 000, shoes to the value of R7500, clothing to the value of R2500 and also assisting Ml Milanzi with office furniture to the value of R10 000.

His project plan is together with Cllr Asghar Khan and NEC Member Mr. Faizal Khan.

With the fabric, Raiz Randeree and Cllr Asghar Khan plan on signing up a minimum of 10 paid up members per roll. This will be a sustainable programme so that the unemployed skilled workers can come on their feet with the fabric we provided them. The programme is all about empowerment.

Riaz plans on gettng clothing manufacturers to sponsor us machines so that we can start up sewing classes at the Umzinto Office. He also attended the Finance Policy workshop in Umzinto.



Their work this month is focusing on gettng new recruits and also visiting their villages reminding members to pay their fees. Villages covered are Edendale ward 12, Sinathing, Nhlazathe and Honeyville.

They bought 50kgs of potato seeds for their members in Mashingeni at the cost of R600.

They attended the policy Workshop in Umzinto and had the privilege of Riaz Randeree and Mr Waleed the accountant who visited them the day after the workshop.

In November they want to focus on campaigning in three areas, Raisethorpe, City centre and two new villages. They have been invited to visit and meet families that are interested in becoming our members.

Their request is that the skills centre must be established in all offices and spread to all villages. These should include not only sewing, baking and farming but also information and technology skills development.



Last week there was a speech contest at the Luthuli Museum and Ma Luthuli was one of the judges. 28 Schools participated over two days. This maybe benefit Al Jama-ah in a long run.

The project of sanitary towels has a chance of being supported by a local man, Mr Mtshali, who received a truck load of sewing machines. They are negotiating.

If Riaz could assist with material the project could take off fast. Shameeda will train them to address primary schools on body care, body development, and expected behaviour.

That will also benefit Al Jama-ah in a long run.



During this month he appointed two members to attend the training by IEC for preparation of the 18 and 19 registration weekend as well as 2024 national elections (party agents training).

He also assisted an 88 year old lady with a wheelchair – as the other one who was given a wheelchair just passed away two months ago and it was collected to help others who are in need of it .

They also did door to door campaign as usual telling people about the importance of registering to vote and voting Al Jama-ah for the year 2024, and signing up members who are willing to join the party.

He visited one of our party representatives at Pietermaritzburg (Ml Abdul Aziz) just to do an oversight visit over his wonderful Job in his Agriculture project which is excellent. He and his wife are doing a great job putting Al Jama-ah on the map in Pietermaritzburg area.





The community of Qwa-Qwa has requested that they be helped in getting their membership cards, they also requested that are assisted with their requests that they asked for in the past months, it will be very sad if that is not successful, as the community of Qwa-Qwa has put a lot of hope in Al Jama-ah.

They are very much asking for help with the problem as they are afraid of the way the community of Ha-Sethunya village has entered.

They are struggling with hunger as they are suffering from electricity, and they say that the cultivation of gardens and fields is the last hope they have. They have a requested for help with transport as they continue to campaign in remote villages for lack of transport, which makes it difficult to reach our community at large and the public is very interested in paying membership fees.

It gives them great hope the way they have received the support from organizations such as the MPA16 which is an independent organization here in Qwa-Qwa

The most hopeful thing is that the leaders who entered Al Jama-ah and their followers in these organizations are returning from them. They are busy gathering their wards and looking forward to the 2024 elections. They have managed to sign up 728 we have 101 paid up members we have already deposited R1050, we are busy collecting R450 for 30 new members.





They had a meeting with the royal family with the renovation of the house for tourism as President requested. A list has been made for the ladies. Since they have postponed the event, they are waiting for the NWC to give them the go ahead again.

A few houses and roads were damaged in the rural areas due to the floods





Thanked the President and the CEO for continuous support to Limpopo and always coming on board when any need arises and the entire Al Jamah NWC. They are preparing for 2024 general elections with everything they have and wants to be the Al Jama-ah stronghold Province.

In the months of October, they did not plan any events in order to try to ease the burden on the party they we had other things that they did such as door to door in Pharare and Shiluvane .

However, they were forced to ask the party for assistance for the following’s programs.
1. Bela Bela Annual madrasah Jalsa
2. Transport to transport goods for the office in Polokwane
3. Transport to the funeral of Mr Phiri

The Warmbaths Jinnah Park invite was one of the programs that was instrumental as it paved a way for our relationship with the Muslim community and gave them the idea that by 2024, they must have approached all the Muslim communities in Limpopo.

He addressed the crowd and told them on why it is important to vote for Al Jama-ah

The congregants were so happy to a point where they had to get shirts for them and Dr Dada is responsible there and he also promised to help us get funding for our programs.

They got office equipment and through the Donation of Dr Dada but in doing so we were asked to arrange for transportation.

We are in the process of renovating the office and once they are done, they are going to invite the party to come and see the office by Mid November 2023.

They thank the party for the transport to the funeral of one of our own. This showed

the community that we indeed care of our people. They are also having a launch in Lulekani on 11 November 2023

They are going to be victorious as the province and the party should not give up on them as we are stronger together





On the 2nd November 2023 Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso was deployed alongside Cde Mpho Kgomosotho to meet up with the leadership of the African Unified Movement (AUM), which is the Mpumalanga based political party following the proposal sent by the party to AL JAMA-AH. The meeting was held successfully at the Perry’s Bridge Hollow Boutique Hotel in Nelspruit.

Then follow up meet and greet was arranged in Thaba Cheu sub region where we were introduced to some of the members of the party and had to explain our ideologies and policies to large constituents of the party. The AUM party has 1 councillors in Thaba Cheu Municipality and 1 in Bushbuckridge, the party looks to be on a growing spike in the Mpumalanga region.

Terms of engagement
1. AUM members votes for AL Jama-ah party in the 2024 elections considering that the party only contests Local Government elections
2. AL Jama-ah to provide resources for the party ahead of 2024 NPE through the coordination deployed member from AL jama-ah
3. A follow up meeting to be arranged to consolidate an MOU
4. AUM to have shirts printed both logos to attract their members
5. Collective mass meeting to be arranged to introduce party fully to AUM ground forces
6. Parties to operate autonomous and on result based agreement

AUM elections performance
1. Thaba Cheu Local Municipality- 1.30% in the LGE
2. Bushbuckridge – 1.45%
3. Bi-Electoons – 3.56%

Recommendations to the NWC

1. Use the party as pilot to establish ourselves in the Mpumalanga region
2. Have a follow up meeting with the party preferably in Pretoria
3. Use it as satellite to brand ourselves in Mpumalanga
4. Give them time to draft what the offer to us as the party
5. Have a result-based MOU with the AUM
6. Task them to have mass meeting for us to test their ground before commiting ourselves into an MOU.

Report submitted on behalf of Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso and Cde Mpho Kgomosotho





Thanked the President and the CEO for continuous support to Limpopo and always coming on board when any need arises and the entire Al Jamah NWC. They are preparing for 2024 general elections with everything they have and wants to be the Al Jama-ah stronghold Province.

In the months of October, they did not plan any events in order to try to ease the burden on the party they we had other things that they did such as door to door in Pharare and Shiluvane .

However, they were forced to ask the party for assistance for the following’s programs.
1. Bela Bela Annual madrasah Jalsa
2. Transport to transport goods for the office in Polokwane
3. Transport to the funeral of Mr Phiri

The Warmbaths Jinnah Park invite was one of the programs that was instrumental as it paved a way for our relationship with the Muslim community and gave them the idea that by 2024, they must have approached all the Muslim communities in Limpopo.

He addressed the crowd and told them on why it is important to vote for Al Jama-ah

The congregants were so happy to a point where they had to get shirts for them and Dr Dada is responsible there and he also promised to help us get funding for our programs.

They got office equipment and through the Donation of Dr Dada but in doing so we were asked to arrange for transportation.

We are in the process of renovating the office and once they are done, they are going to invite the party to come and see the office by Mid November 2023.

They thank the party for the transport to the funeral of one of our own. This showed

the community that we indeed care of our people. They are also having a launch in Lulekani on 11 November 2023

They are going to be victorious as the province and the party should not give up on them as we are stronger together





On the 2nd November 2023 Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso was deployed alongside Cde Mpho Kgomosotho to meet up with the leadership of the African Unified Movement (AUM), which is the Mpumalanga based political party following the proposal sent by the party to AL JAMA-AH. The meeting was held successfully at the Perry’s Bridge Hollow Boutique Hotel in Nelspruit. Then follow up meet and greet was arranged in Thaba Cheu sub region where we were introduced to some of the members of the party and had to explain our ideologies and policies to large constituents of the party. The AUM party has 1 councillors in Thaba Cheu Municipality and 1 in Bushbuckridge, the party looks to be on a growing spike in the Mpumalanga region.

Terms of engagement
1. AUM members votes for AL Jama-ah party in the 2024 elections considering that the party only contests Local Government elections
2. AL Jama-ah to provide resources for the party ahead of 2024 NPE through the coordination deployed member from AL jama-ah
3. A follow up meeting to be arranged to consolidate an MOU
4. AUM to have shirts printed both logos to attract their members
5. Collective mass meeting to be arranged to introduce party fully to AUM ground
6. Parties to operate autonomous and on result based agreement

AUM elections performance
1. Thaba Cheu Local Municipality- 1.30% in the LGE
2. Bushbuckridge – 1.45%
3. Bi-Elections – 3.56%

Recommendations to the NWC
1. Use the party as pilot to establish ourselves in the Mpumalanga region
2. Have a follow up meeting with the party preferably in Pretoria
3. Use it as satellite to brand ourselves in Mpumalanga
4. Give them time to draft what the offer to us as the party
5. Have a result-based MOU with the AUM
6. Task them to have mass meeting for us to test their ground before committing ourselves into an MOU.
Report submitted on behalf of Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso and Cde Mpho Kgomosotho


Villagers League Report | September 2023

Villagers League Report | September 2023





In Umdoni area, Cllr Asghar is hosting an ‘Each one Feed one’ campaign at the Umzinto Offices. Members from the community that can donate, or sponsor hampers or items of food deliver them at our office and we distribute to community members who leave their names at the office if they are in need of food. The campaign is growing well, and we are helping to fight hunger in our community. 


event-ad-each1feed1 program

This month we were sponsored with R2500 for our campaign, and we created hampers for the community.

We have recruited a new paid-up member from Mthwalume to assist us in campaigning as well as two others in Braemar.
They are excited and proud to join Al Jama-ah.

The Al Jama-ah Umzinto Offices continues to assist the community with Indigent free water applications and rates applications and thus far has written off approximately R900 000 worth of water bills from several community members.

The office is opened to the public if they require any needs of assistance or service delivery.



They are waiting for the results of the request from DUT for the testing of the Peanut Butter.
She attended the workshop in Empangeni. It was very informative
The fund imposes very stringent requirements but we they will try.



This Month there were no programmes that took place in Harding.

Cllr Cele was busy attending workshops, PLC meetings together with one of his members,

During the door-to-door campaigning that they did this month they also discovered about 8 needy homes that need assistance especially in building houses, as well as any additional assistance. He will put in a request with the relevant stakeholders and people in the organization that can help.

They continued with the membership drive and sign up of memberships forms, but the challenge is that people keep on promising to pay membership after signing up, but they are not paying. They are still engaging with them encouraging them with the free data.

Cllr Goodwill together with his team also proposed hosting a programme on the 25th of November 2023 where the leadership accompany us and bring along memberships cards, especially for those members who have paid sign up membership forms.




in the past few month’s FS Chair Mr David managed to establish regional branch (REC– Regional Executive Committee) plus two Branch Executive Committee (BEC) of which are usually known as wards so in simple terms they have 1 regional structure and 2 wards.
They have open a fully equipped Al Jama-ah  office in Bethlehem.
In the week of 10/09/2021, Bethlehem comrades went to Slabberts Plaas (farm) to campaign and recruited about 20 families.


In the week of 29/09/23, 18 comrades were in Fouriesberg to do door to door campaigning.
They hired two 7 seaters which resulted in a very fruitful day as they managed to get roughly 467 Memberships.

In Paul Roux they have a branch executive committee.

They are still organizing and campaign – but we are looking forward to bringing in about +/- 500 day – in membership and form structure.

We have 4 working cdes ( under Maluto a Phofung – cde Ibrahim)

Plan of action
He had a meeting with his cabinet and decided the best course was to buy cheap food parcels and blankets to offer at least 20 people in each and every town in the stated municipality.

In the past few months cde Ibrahim managed to establish a women’s league and has finished painting the office. He signed up 71 members, so thats total of 574,
They have 70 paid up members and he has deposited R500. He still has R550 to collect.

He also received a request from our women’s league who are in need of help from the party. They want to start selling chickens to help their families. They did a costing, and drew up budget of R7 988,00 in total for 15.

One of their members also has a disabled son – his in a wheelchair, his hands are not functioning. His mother has asked if its possible for us to build her son a toilet, to dig and build a mine hole for her son. It will be a strong show of support for the family, and would make our campaigning in the area very successful, according to Ibrahim.


The Cllr personally requested data from Bloemfontein cdes for 5 consecutive days – but it has still not been provided.

Plan of action : on the week of 05/10/2023 eastern side of Free State cdes will be in Bloemfontein to rework the FS budget, as planned by cde Stephen fand discussed with Prof.
He has engaged with Faried to send all campaign related equipment to Bloemfontein





They have 40 membership forms paid up for ward 18 and are pushing for more. He scanned all documents sent it to me and I forwarded it to Fazielah.

He met few members around in his village regarding Mpame woman’s chicken project to guide them how to go on and produce more on chickens.
He had meeting with the Mpame community meeting for this week organizing their launch

I went to King Williams town to meet our EC leadership to plan way forward with EC progress. Masjid campaign, He is still waiting for the gazebo and the other materials he asked for.

I had meeting at the chief place with the community regarding the Nature Conversation permit – they promised to come, but we are still waiting.

Hut renovations are still in process with the chief. He gave that task to her, so he is still waiting for it.
And last week we completed the borehole maintenance, thanks to the presidents assistance – and were successful.





They are really pleased with the support they are getting from the party and its leadership in general:



They embarked on a voter registration to Ga Mametja and were very disappointed that most people are not registered and with limited time we managed to register at least 100 people. The transport was sponsored by one of the business owners.


Members signed 200 Paid: 90

With the help of our late Moulana Eesa, twe managed to get some of the business people involved in our campaigns and to strengthen our efforts in providing for the community. They donated hampers to three different villages in Mopani and Capricorn. And signed 100 plus members. Our people on the ground are happy and confident that the community is behind us.


Signed up 100
Paid membership 68
The launch and tournament was a success. The people of Pharare were happy to have a new
party in town. The attendance was great and new members are signing up. They elected the chair and secretary and he’s committed to working hard. They donated wheelchairs to 3 families who have been suffering – which marked their grand entry into Pharare and with the people. Their members and community were filled with joy and hope .


The tournament was attended by approximately 800 people – 400 signed and 30 paid

All the efforts are paying off. People are signing up daily. Giving back to the community is having an impact.



Afer the tragic passing of the Capricorn chair and his son,  we as the party had to offer much-needed support and avail ourselves and help where possible. The party helped with the transport to Polokwane to offer our support.


With the help and support of Mohammed Hassan of MH wholesalers we managed to secure a donation of 130 shoes as part of our Heritage Day celebration. The first group was donated and we will continue when holidays are done.


We were invited to attend the ceremony in Musina by the Muslim community and were welcomed with love and happiness. The event was a success and we have promised them that we would visit again when the stable transport is arranged. From the given reports we have 400 members – 100 paid




They are requesting the party to prioritize the need for stable transport in order to enable them to do their work without any challenges because this it’s the only thing stopping them from reaching the population of the Limpopo.


They have found office space that will be easily accessible to the people . Rent is R2100 – DEPOSIT IS R2900





Our soup kitchen and visitations to members was neglected last month due to meetings and workshop attended.

Visited and sponsored PMJ members for their annual festival at Daljosafat Stadium – so that their voters could see that they participated at the festival as Al Jama-ah

He also attended Marriage Bill Act in District Six, Celebrating the Life Legacy of As-Shaheed Imam Abdullah Haron.

Special council was held – verdict of the speaker investigation and approving appointment of the new ED for Safety and Community.

He completed his interviews in terms of the prescribed Code of Conduct process and will now apply his mind on an opinion of reasonable suspicion of a contraventon of the Code. His decision was announced on Monday the 11th of September 2023 at 14.00 in the Council Chambers. All councillors were entitled to attend. The speaker found that there are reasonable grounds that Mayor breached the code of conduct – the matter was referred for further Private investigation.




HAMMANSKRAAL – Ward 49 Launch


• Professor Haroon
• Cllr Thapelo Amad
• Tshwane Chairperson Mpho
• Tshwane Dep secretary Issa
• Tshwane Treasurer Sis Iman


• Bro Mohammed Tswai from Dejuri
• Charity Representative from IEC

This event was to Launch a Branch in Ward 49 Hammanskraal, to formalise and endorse the structure which was chosen, and to strategically use the launch to campaign for 2024 elections and going forward.
The launch took place on the 16th of September 2023 at Mfumo Street, Kanana West.
The event was meant to start at 10am, but due to unforeseen circumstances we had to delay by an hour or so to allow the proceedings of the funeral, held at the nearby neighbours house, which it was a bit of a challenge as most of our members also had to attend the funeral services.


They had a good support from our Al Jama-ah members

• Ward 10 Soweto Johannesburg
• Ward 88 Soshanguve Tshwane
• Hebron Tshwane


People were served refreshments prepared by the ward 49 team
Pap and chicken, Two veggies, Juice


They had branded Gazebos for visibility, 3 that we used for the day and 1 was used for membership registraton and payments. People and members had branded Al Jama-ah T shirts.

The community was happy to have met the former Mayor and also the National representative as they feel they are being taken seriously and they have found a home in Al Jamah-Ah

One of their oldest members is a Gogo who ran marathons since she was a teenager. To this day she still the most healthiest Gogo alive, she was born 1937. –  she says she is ready to change her vote and give it to Al Jama-ah

Villagers League Report | August 2023

Villagers League Report | August 2023





In Umdoni area, Cllr Asghar is hosting an ‘Each one Feed one’ campaign at the Umzinto Offices. Members from the community that can donate, or sponsor hampers or items of food deliver them at our office and we distribute to community members who leave their names at the office if they are in need of food.


event-ad-each1feed1 program

I attended the launch of the Al Jama-ah Women’s League in Cape Town Pelican Park. I delivered a speech on behalf of the Al Jama-ah Villagers league encouraging Women Empowerment in small business ventures.

The campaign is growing well, and we are helping to fight hunger in our community.

The two voting station officers in Umdoni has signed up over 1600 membership forms for Al Jama-ah since April 2023 till date.

I attended a Women’s Day stall event in Umzinto ICC and put up the Al Jama-ah stall to make the party visible in our community and I informed the public about Al Jama-ah.

The Al Jama-ah Umzinto Offices continues to assist the community with Indigent free water applications and rates applications and thus far has written off R800 000 worth of water bills from several community members. The office is opened to the public if they require any needs of assistance or service delivery.



Signed up 40 paid up members. The membership that paid the fees are from the following areas: Lion Park, Inhlazatshe, Mafakathini, Mpoopomeni and Mashingeni. Imbali zone 1 and 15, the person responsible for collecting the forms and fees is out of town and expected to be back in the first week of September 2023. 
Dambuza, Sweetwaters had no progress inspite of meeting Sheikh Sulieman twice.
In Enkethini Village they met Appa Habib Milanzi, she is joining Al Jama-ah and is organising for them to have a launch there.
In City Centre PMB, they introduced Al Jama-ah to Pastor N Ntuli, he and Sister Noleen of Scottsville are joining Al Jama-ah.
We are still intending to look for sponsors for food parcels and are in need of food parcels.
There is still no progress with the water sanitation project in Mpopomeni, for Mashingeni Village 



Ma Luthuli attended the women’s league launch in Cape Town on the 9th of August and is now the President of the Al Jama-ah women’s league. She has requested to send in an application to DUT to request for a tasting of her peanut butter. I am waiting for the updated document then I will send off to DUT. She has started making peanut butter again which is some good news. She has attended a training for resource mobilisation. On the 4th of August she met with the National Development Agency regarding funding for fencing an area where the co-op will plant its own peanuts. She said it is a long process but in the mean time the co-op must look for quotes.



Cllr Goodwill together with the PRO and his team organised a learnership programme with lifeline for young girls aged 20 to 24 years old. This programme helps them to begin their own businesses.

He also helped one of the local child-headed families where one of those children had gotten burned and passed away while he was sleeping. There was no funeral cover so we organized a coffin, transportation and covered some of the costs.

He also did door to door campaign recruiting and signing up of memberships. They managed to do about 30 memberships, but not all have paid up – they are still waiting for month end so that they can all get paid and send them in. The challenge that he is facing is that Al Jama-ah T shirts is the major concern when they are recruiting people in different wards. They are also requesting Gazebos with an Aljama-ah design.




They have 502 signed up members from when they started, and 35 paid up members, They are facing challenges of volunteers who are complaining about not getting lunch, as they continue with the door to door campaign’s – and, as their numbers keep growing, they are in need of sweaters. They plead with leadership to assist, they need the visibility – especially when in meetings. 

They are also requesting that the reports sent to national leadership be read, they are expecting feedback on their scope of work. They are sending requests, but we don’t get feedback. Feedback is important to them as it can help them answer questions from their members and their community at-large.






Abdullah stated that they had a lot of meetings in their village based on the project side built by President. They are awaiting permits for the land, and last week they went to Nature conversation offices with the councillor, for the houses that didn’t receive electricity.
The President assisted to maintain their borehole, but after 2 weeks they didn’t have water in the village.
They require assistance with basic materials for them to go on with campaigns, things like t shirts, banners, and a tablecloth with aljamah logo. They said that even if it’s old stuff they can use it. There are projects and small business profiles they submitted; the community is asking a lot of questions, especially about Vodacom funding for agriculture. They have no answers to give back to the community. They need a response on these issues. He stated that now that we are coming to national elections, other parties have started campaigning, and talking bad about us, saying at the end of the day we have empty promises.





We attended a women’s day event at Pelican Park in Cape Town to launch Al Jama-ah Women’s League.
The event was a success and representatives from the area came in good numbers.
They are Launching in Hammanskraal on the 16th of September.
And on 24th September in Tshwane.

Villagers League Report | July 2023

Villagers League Report | July 2023





In Umdoni area, Cllr Asghar hosted an ‘Each one Feed one’ campaign. He has also done Aashura feeding through Qaasimul Ilm Foundation.


event-ad-each1feed1 program

The two voting station officers in Umdoni has signed up over 1400 membership forms for Al Jama-ah since April 2023 till date.

The Al Jama-ah Umzinto Offces continues to assist the community with Indigent free water applications and rates applications and thus far has written off R700 000 worth of water bills from several community members.

The office is opened to the public if they require any needs of assistance or service delivery.



1 July 2023: ML Aziz went to upper Mashingeni to meet with chief Zuma to assess the water problem in the area.
5 July 2023: Went to Inhlazatsh location in ward 11 with Zola Gwala to do door to door campaigns.
Seven people registered as members. Membership fees needs to be paid this month end.
8 July 2023: Went to Sinathinge together with Appa Khadija Lusinga and did door to door campaigns.
Left 20 membership forms which we will follow up in the coming week.
15 July 2023: Went to campaign in Imbali Zone and did door to door with Halima Sithole.
Ten people registered as members. Halima will be collecting fees month end.
20 July 2023: Met with Sanzaf PMB Office, with regards to borehole sponsorship.
Sanzaf sponsors boreholes for Masjids only.
24th July 2023:  Went to lower Mashingeni Village and collected 24 unpaid membership forms.
25th July 2023: Travelled to Honeyville to meet Appa Ayesha Chakela, to introduce her to Al Jama-ah.
Left 10 forms with her. Honeyville and Nkenteni are new areas we have just started targeting.

In August we will do follow ups in Dambuz, Imbali, Lionspark and Sweetvalor villages.

Water Sanitation project for Mashingeni – the leadership sent him the contact number for Ml PJ Moosa.
He called him but he is no longer doing borehole projects, and gave the contact number for Sadique Saheb of TBT Boreholes. He said the cost is R120 000 and he has a waiting list of up to 50 in number. So, if we do this,we need to secure our own sponsors for boreholes now.

He is also looking for sponsors for 10 sisters in Imbali who want to start a chicken project.

For the Mashingeni water project, we nee dto get assistance and buy water tanks, at least two 5000L each. President can source the water purification project.



Mr Comfort hosted the finals for his sports tournament on the 23rd of July 2023. KFC sponsored 50 meals to him.



A rep from the Dept of Economic Dev came to learn more about the Peanut Butter co-operative and to give advice about certain aspects of operations, funding, marketing and registrations e.g. CSD. He promised to send through cards, banners and pamphlets by November. And gave advice about how to get the product certificate. He was impressed with the state of the premises/factory, and advised on how to attend to the walls.

Two other executive members attended this meeting, including Mr Ngubane. He directed them to the Durban University of Technology (DUT) for Peanut buter tasting.
To get the peanut butter to the big stores is a long and difficult process, so it is taking up a lot of time.

On August 9 is the Women’s day event and Women’s League launch in Cape Town.
The Womens League launch  in Grouteville will be towards month end, probably the last weekend. 



Cllr Goodwill and one of his executive members visited Kranskorp on the 1st of July 2023 as mandated by the organisation, to represent them at. the Ingoni fM event with mama Luthuli. It was a great event especially in the preparations of 2024 national elections. He also assisted them with the recruitment and filling of membership forms.

On the 18 of July 2023, he identified the person who is staying in the house without windows and broken wall, and  spent his 67 minutes together with his team and some community members rebuilding the wall for him. We bought the cement and we used the bricks from another old building.

Cllr Cele has also been looking for youth age 20 to 25 that can participate in a skills transfer learnership with some of our stakeholders. About 15 to 30 local youth should be able to to benefit from the learnership.




The Qwa-Qwa office are still requesting transport money to enable them to reach the outpost villages. Their assistants are also requesting daily lunch allocations and about 240 sweaters for members.





In Mpame Village there is nothing much for now besides the fishing project. They invited the Aljamah President to their meeting, and it happened that he arrived on the 27th of July with SG, and CEO.
They are stillbusy completing the application forms for land.
And there are about 10 list of ladies at the ready hoping that government will help to upgrade Tourisms. And 12 ladies with gardens, who have started planting cabbages.





On the 30th of June 2023 AL JAMA-AH was launched in Polokwane and Ga Mothapo.
In the last month they have managed to recruit close to 100 members. Moulana Eesa was chosen as the chair of Nivana Al Jamah and tasked to recruit in Capricorn and surrounding areas.
The following day they went to Makotopong in Solomondale, a small village in Polokwane and launched a ward. There were 65 people in attendance. 


On the 4th July, we went to Matoks and Mankweng, these are two rural areas, where there are four mosques. We set up an Appointment and met with the local chief of authority and the community.
We launched on the 5th and 6th of July, 59 people in attendance. And signed 30 members, mostly Muslims.
They have since chosen a chair and secretary respectively.


On the 3rd of June, we campaigned in Sookmekaar Village. We were welcomed by the community and senior members of the community. The meeting was attended by approximately 88 people and 60 signed the membership forms. When they were doing rounds, many complained about electricity and water.
On the following weekend Mln Eesa met with Bela Bela Islamic leaders, Mokopane Akasia and the community.
We also met with people of Jinnah park, Moshate and Akasia.
On the week of 13th of July, we conducted voter registration in the Mopani area. Therer are many people still not registered, especially among the youth. We need to address this quicklysomething quick, or our effort won’t bare any fruits.

On the week of 8 July 2023 they had a meeting and launched AL JAMA-AH in Ba Phalaborwa.
Recruiting close to 109 members and 109 signed members. They promised to pay and they will be going back to launch the wards in that area. Post launch they visited Dr Maphuta hospital and made Dua to the sick and the old.

On the 19 July 2023 we launched AL JAMA-AH in Venda and Thohoyandou. We managed to recruit close to 300 members and 200 signed members. They promised to pay and they will be going back as they have Rashid Adam Cader holding fort for them.


On the 24th and 25th of July, they were called to Modjadji by the regent Chief to be part of the program that they were having. They wanted to meet up with the Al Jama-ah National Leadership, but they attended the event with 50 plus persons of the royal family and the community at Mamaope Creche. Accommodation was provided.
We had previously launched in the region and recruited and met with the Kings representatives. We explained our aim and promised to deliver a platform that would put the Balobedu people first.
They told them they would need office space and a place to work since they control large areas.
They invited them back 3 weeks later. They were asked to share our Manifesto with the community. While there they delivered pamphlets to Sethakong, Rapitsi, Merinyen and more.
They were shown the challenges people are experiencing. In one village people were living 6 in one room.
They were given an office area – still to be reviewed by leadership. 10 members from their side attended.

Thank you to leadership for assisting with funding for transportation and the  mini launches.