Villagers League Report | November 2023
In the recent month Cllr Nthekiso and the Madibeng team have engaged in the following programs:
1. Food gardening project which was initiated 2 months back targeting poor of the poor in the communities.
2. Food kitchen aimed at feeding members of the community in phasha maloka VD which in the previous elections was won by aljama. The food kitchen feeds over 140 community members per day and its growing day by day’
3. Repairing of high mass lights, aljama has championed the repairing of high mass lights in the ward 8 area which has recently been engulfed by high crime rates due to darkness that was persistent in the community.
4. Gravelling of soccer fields in the area. The sports field were in unplayable conditions and the Madibeng team intervened to ensure that the soccer and netball fields are prepared and gravelled to ensure that youth fully participates in the sports activities in the community
5. In the previous month the Madibeng team managed to call service providers such as SASSA and home affairs to the area to assist the fragile and needy residents who cannot afford to go to the offices of the institutions. The satellite services were essential in ensuring that community members get exposed to the much needed services.
1. Made a call towards the investigation of irregular leadership and recruitment processes through the committee of local economic development. The recommendation was carried and supported unanimously by all committee members.
2. Rejected notion of continual secondments of Acting Municipal managers which doesn’t stabilize the municipality
3. Submitted a motion for the revival of Mapoch village as a tourism hub to enable job creation and township economy
4. Submitted reports for investigations with the office of the public protector in the North West
5. Pushing for motion to amend bi-laws to allows regulation and support of small business (Passed)
6. Attended Local economic development oversight programs.
As part of 2024 Cllr Nthekiso looks to grow the North West province without any interference. The province is predominantly and African province with Setswana Speaking people dominating the regional ethnicity. Cllr has formulated a strategy to gunner votes in the region and this strategy with need thorough consultations with ground forces to ensure that it does go through without any hindrances. The 2024 NPE will be strategic as they will depend hugely on the balance of forces which is what we looking at. But the primarily goal is galvanizing the motive forces towards believing in our strategies. A program of action will be formulated to ensure a progressive stance towards the national and provincial elections period and to ensure success therein.
The following have been achieved:
1. Persuasion of former Madibeng councillor to join AL JAMA-AH: councillor Sammy Dinga has successfully joined the party. His influence in the GA Rankuwa area is detrimental to us and very important in ensuring stability in the region
2. Launching of GA Rankuwa
3. Launching of Maboloka branch
4. Bilateral engagements with the APWU (trade union) very influential in Madibeng
The most influential branch in Madibeng which is the ward 8 branch will be having its official launch on the 21st October 2023 in Jakkalas Dans. This will be essential in maintaining our support in the area.
This is the detailed report for councillor Kabelo Nthekiso, some of the information might have been omitted in this report which includes videos, posters etc., such information can be found on the councillors official platform on Facebook, which is Cllr Kabelo Nthekiso. Working together without any form of segregation and interference will ensure an utmost victory in the 2024 national elections. Working together we can achieve more than just 1 seat.