Goodwill Mfanufikile Cele is Al Jama-ah’s newly elected PR councillor at the uMuziwabantu Local Municipality in Harding on the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal.
Goodwill was born on the 23 October 1984, in Mkhoba in Harding and is the eldest of late Buyisiwe Beauty Cele. He has one brother and two sisters. He completed his primary education at the Ikhwezi Lamachi Primary School and secondary at the Jolwayo High School. After high school he pursued studies at the Esayidi TVET College where he completed a N6 in Human Resource Management. Goodwill is married to Happiness Mdlaka and they have two daughters.
In early 2000 Goodwill was involved in the youth group Ikhwezi Youth in Action, an awareness campaign which mainly focusses on prevention of child and woman abuse, teenage pregnancy, HIV and Aids and drug abuse.
During high school he worked as a learner support agent which involved various stakeholders such as Departments of Social Development and Health, SASSA and South African Police Services. His learner support programme reached out to needy children, creating awareness on teenage pregnancy, drugs and giving academic assistance to grade 12 learners.
He worked at Woolworths Distribution centre (Midrand) as an Operation Assistant, before being transferred to the KZN Shelly beach branch in 2008. In 2013 he pursued further studies in human resources management. In 2017 he worked as learner support agent at Jolwayo High School until 2019 when he received a one-year contract as a data capturer with the Department of Correctional Services, Kokstad Management Area.
As Al Jama-ah’s PR councillor Goodwill continues to serve the community diligently and with utmost commitment.
AL JAMA-AH’s Lawmakers stand out in 3 tiers of government:
Al Jama-ah’s lawmakers are making an impact
Harding Wheelchair Donation
Distributing wheelchairs to the elderly in KwaNgubelanga
Food Hampers for Harding
Feeding the less fortunate in Izinduna Village,
Repairing roofs, soccer days and a Mayoral inaugaration
All in a days work ….
The Work of the Villagers League?
The work of Al Jama-ah: Developing Rural Villages into Smart Villages
Villagers League Report | October 2023
Villagers League National Report for activity in October
Villagers League Report | September 2023
Villagers League National Report for activity in October
Villagers League Report | August 2023
Villagers League National Report of Party activity in August 2023
Villagers League Report | July 2023
Villagers League National Report of Party activity in July 2023
1st Quarter 2022
We had our first Counsel meeting on the 24thof January 2022, these were the matters discussed
- Report on traditional leaders elected to participate in the Municipal council
- Election and establishment of Umziwabantu local municipality membership of local Labour forum: Employer component.
- Election and establishment of Umziwabantu local municipality Training and Development Committee: Employer (council ) Component.
- Election and establishment of Umziwabantu local municipality Employment Equity committee: Employer (council ) Component.
- Ward committee election schedule which must be approved and adapted by the Council
- The Appeals committee for ward committee elections.
- 2020 /2021 Annual Report
- Quarter 2 performance management System
- Mid-year Budget and Performance Assessment Report for 2021 /2022 financial year was presented by the Mayor of the Municipality and the Council members Approved that.
- Another item was from the office of the Deputy Mayor which was about profiling of management skills/skill Audit. The purpose of that was for the senior and the middle management to provide academic qualifications and experience to the council and have the independent Audit to check those qualifications that are true & relevant to their Job. Unfortunately, the majority of the Counsellors did not approve that due to high cost that will be spent on the Audit.
Party work / Community service:
- We managed to sign over 50 members as new Aljama-ah members with membership fee paid and submitted to SG.
- There was a storm in Harding, our Community. A nearby church was affected, and the leaders of that church ask assistance from me as an Aljama-ah representative. I managed to buy them the iron Zink to fix the roof where it was damaged and organised a person to fix that roof for me.
2nd Quarter 2022
Assist within the community with regards to service delivery:
- I attended the community meetings organised by the local traditional leader (Isibonda) held every Sunday at 09:00am.
- Visited and made a donation to a family in the village where their young teenage boy committed suicide (hung himself)
- Played a role as a community leader by encouraging youth to stay away from drugs and substance abuse by keeping themselves busy with sports, and bought them a soccer ball
- Worked together with ward 08 Councillors to ensure that residents get water supply. If there is no water in that area we arrange trucks to supply the community with water.
- We arranged for a grader to fix the road that is not roadworthy and filled with potholes. We completed an oversight visit to check the roads that are in operation, to confirm they are still roadworthy for residents.
- Attended Engele Community Hall Sod Turning in ward 09 as an Umuziwabantu councilor.
- Attended our first sitting as part of the Municipality Public Account Committee (MPAC) on the 14thof March 2022, where we have to play the oversight role for 2020/2021 annual report by the Auditor General, to be submitted for consideration and recommendations to the council.
- Attended the Umuziwabantu Council Strategic Planning session held at the Ingeli Hotel for the 5 year IDP program, where I participated in the Finance & Government portfolio as Commission.
- Attended the Finance & Government Portfolio Committee where the director of Co-operate services, and the acting chief financial officer presented reports, including terms & references of this committee, Auditor reports, and the Co-operate Service Department report for the second quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year – as well as section 71 & 72 reports for finance department (for noting & recommendations).
- Attended the council meeting, but not all items were covered, because of threat allegations amongst councillors.