email : [email protected]; [email protected]
He obtained a B.A degree in Islamic Studies. Moulana Khan has been involved with various Social Welfare work for example, Empowering the Needy and Poor mainly in the Faculty of Islamic & Academic Education from the entry of Early Childhood development to beyond the call of Matric. He does counseling in Marital, Arbitration: Family Disputes, Domestic Disputes. He has a very compassionate allegiance for the Old, Disadvantage, Widows, Orphans. Moulana Khan works tirelessly to assist the diverse Community’s Needs.
The compassion shown by Moulana Khan has won the Hearts of many People within the larger Community in KZN. Moulana Khan has extensively travelled throughout KZN on many Lectures, programs, meetings, seminars, conference.
Moulana Khan has a very close working relationship with various Religious Organizations, for example, all the Jamiats, Ulemas, Imams and a host of other Islamic Organization from various Regions/ Cities. Moulana Khan also interacts with other religious organizations on a regular basis. He has also been very committed to other Community Projects for example, a good standing with SAPS, Crime & Intelligence, feeding the poor, winter warmth project, disaster Relief and general Humanitarian involvement.
Moulana Khan had also been graduated as a Marriage Registrar in 2014. Various Accolades were awarded to Moulana Khan for his Contribution towards serving humanity both locally and internationally.
Currently, I hold the position of being a Councillor in the Ethekwini Municipality for the Al –Jama-ah party In a recent conference of The Al Jama-ah Party held in Gauteng. ”I was appointed the Chairmanship Position by Our Honourable President Ganief Hendricks for the Kwa-Zulu Natal Province. I thoroughly enjoy being part of the Al Jama-ah Team and hopefully would like to continue in this manner for a longer period.”
Campaigning in the Western Cape
Al Jama-ah takes to the streets of Cape Town
AL JAMA-AH’s Lawmakers stand out in 3 tiers of government:
Al Jama-ah’s lawmakers are making an impact
National Dialogue on Coalition Governments
Hosted by the Deputy President Mashatile, 4-5 August 2023
- Councillor Moulana Hoosen Khan recently organised a mass feeding scheme where he addressed about 2 500 people.
- He said many people are looking for alternative parties to vote for and they expressed interest in AL JAMA-AH. “So at this mass feeding event, it was also an opportune moment to promote AL JAMA-AH as the political party they should be voting for. I explained to them that AL JAMA-AH is a platform for all, regardless of race, religion, culture, creed and gender. The message was well-received by all present,” he said.
- The host of the programme Mr Sabir Sheik Ashrafi and his team invited many well-known figures such as Moulana Mohammed Khan, Moulana Allie Imran, Hafiz Muhammad Rashid Kazi, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Mr AK Dawood, Haji Saleh Saheb and Ebi Mehmood Al Dodi.
- Councillor of the Ethekwini municipality Moulana Hoosen Khan has finally got the attention of the public roadworks and other authorities to finally start repairing and restoring the dilapidated roads in the Overport and surrounding areas.
- Asghar Khan requested a contractor to deal with fallen robots, while we have taken note of the positive impact the alcohol ban has had on this matter we should take into consideration that a service provider to repair /replace damaged traffic lights is something that the municipality needs.
- The administration reported that they hope during the budget adjustment adequate funding would be approved for this function.
- Umdoni Municipality, especially the community services department is hamstrung by an aging fleet which impedes the department’s ability to provide service delivery to the residents.
- Our libraries are becoming a target for crimes and again Umzinto Library was broken into during the month of December and 4 computers were stolen, we have requested that adequate security be put in to keep our property safe.
- Access to eBooks and Pdf books was also queried as our learners and university students will require access to complete assignments and conduct research.
- It was noted that as per adjusted level 3 lockdown regulations beaches were closed as of 28 December, Mr Khan raised his concern that the time could have been used to upgrade and repair those facilities that have been brought into disrepair over time.
- He requested that additional bins be placed on our beaches.
- A proposal was made by the administration that a drivers testing center and motor vehicle licensing department to be opened in Dududu to alleviate the waiting times at the Umzinto and Scottburgh centers. Al Jama-ah supported this as it will take services closer to the people.