

20 December 2024

Al Jama-ah’s President Urges President Ramaphosa to Halt Farm Evictions and Introduces Ground-breaking Anti-Apartheid Complicity Bil

Cape Town, South Africa— December 19, 2024 — Ganief Hendricks, President of ALJAMA-AH, Member of Parliament, Deputy Minister of Social Development, and joint Presidential Champion of Johannesburg Metro (DDM), has ended the year with an impassioned plea to address critical issues of  justice and human rights both locally and globally.

Hendricks has championed a significant step towards justice for oppressed peoples by settling an“ anti-apartheid complicity bill ”with the assistance of Parliament’s legislative drafting team and Profesor Usuf Chikte of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) South Africa. The proposed legislation aims to:

● Hold political parties, organisations, and individuals accountable for supporting Israel’s policies of oppression against Palestinians.

● Prevent South African entities from enabling or endorsing apartheid – like systems of governance globally.

Thebil, presented to Parliament’s Speaker by BDS South Africa on behalf of 30,000 protestors, builds on South Africa’s commitment to international human rights conventions. Hendricks noted,“ This private member’s bill sends a clear message: South Africa stands resolutely against al forms of apartheid, whether with in our borders or a broad.”

With widespread support expected from progressive factions across the political spectrum, including many ANC members, the bill is predicted to garner approval from at least 70% of Parliament’s 7th assembly.

Hendricks drew compelling connections between the plight of Palestinian communities under Israeli occupation and the historical and ongoing struggles of South African farmworkers and displaced populations. “The disposession of land, forced removals, and systemic oppression experienced by Palestinians echo the injustices endured by our people during apartheid. Whether in Drakenstein or Gaza, the principles of justice and human dignity must prevail,” he stated.

Hendricks has also formally appealed to President Cyril Ramaphosa to implement a moratorium on farm evictions and forced removals in light of an impending humanitarian crisis in the Drakenstein Municipality of Paarl and Wellington. Currently, over 20,000 people— predominantly from the Coloured community face the threat of mass displacement, with 1,500 court applications for evictions looming. This situation draws painful paralells to the forced removals under the apartheid-era Group Areas Act, which devastated communities and entrenched land dispossession. 

Hendricks emphasised, “The legacy of land disposession continues to haunt our nation. Just as apartheid laws tore families apart and deprived generations of their homes, these evictions threaten to perpetuate cycles of poverty and marginalisation. We must act decisively to protect vulnerable farmworkers and their families from being uprooted once again.”

Hendricks ’initiatives reflect his broader vision of a United States of Africa and a commitment to self-determination for oppressed peoples globally. As Patron of the Men’s Parliament and Boys’ Parliament, he has championed community upliftment, disability inclusion, and poverty alleviation. During Disability Month, he called for universal wheelchair access and full employment for people with disabilities while setting his sights on eradicating poverty by 2030.

On children’s welfare, Hendricks highlighted the urgent need to nurture and support children during their first 1,000 days, as 27% of South African children suffer from stunted growth due to inadequate care and nutrition.

As the year closes, Hendricks’ dual focus on advancing the anti-apartheid complicity bill and preventing farm evictions underscores his unwavering dedication to justice.“ Whether we are addressing the rights of farmworkers in Drakenstein or advocating for the freedom of Palestinians, our commitment to human dignity and equality knows no borders,”he affirmed.

Sinazo Mtshengo:
078 512 3186