14 JULY 2020
‘Keep schools closed to stop teachers or learners from dying of Covid-19’
AL JAMA-AH Member of Parliament, Hon. Ganief Hendricks once again raised his voice in Parliament against the opening of schools and in support of the Concerned Principals memorandum issued to the Department of Basic Education.
During a virtual meeting Hendricks called on the Department of Basic Education to only open schools to grades 7s and 12s and not overcrowd learning institutions with the other grades.
The Party says all the grades who will be staying at home for the rest of the year due to the deadly virus, should be promoted to the following grade after writing an aptitude test. Hendricks also asked Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga whether she was prepared to consider the request of the principal of Athlone High School and more than 100 other principals, not to send further grades to school.
Hon Hendricks referred to the grievances in a memorandum signed by the Concerned Principals Movement which they sent to the Department. Some of the demands outlined in the memorandum are:
• Postponement of the return to school of other grades due to the peak of Covid-19 and the bitterly cold winter
• That teachers and children who test positive must isolate at least two weeks
• There are scenarios where up to 18 teachers at a school must go into isolation.
• That the government should provide every poor learner with a tablet and free data for online learning.
• That schools be allowed to close earlier to allow educators to attend the funeral of a colleague. The Western Cape Department of Basic Education have previously denied requests from Principals to close schools earlier in an event of a colleague’s funeral.
Hendricks said he was approached by the principal of Athlone High School, Vincent Hendricks to highlight the Concerned Principals grievances to Parliament.
At the beginning of July, the country recorded 10 000 cases of new positive Covid 19 infections. Not only adults, but children too are now more vulnerable to corona virus infection at school, in the home and in all spaces of broader society.
“Please stop this madness of reopening schools at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic.”
For further details contact:
Mr Ganief Hendricks
Cell: 082 780 2573