Al Jama-ah  solidarity with Palestine by Spokesperson Shameemah Salie


 For Al Jama-ah our stance is clear we are in solidarity with the people of Palestine and will continue to fight for the Freedom of Palestine for we know all too well that, “our Freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”- Nelson Mandela

The President of the party Honourable Ganief Hendricks has taken the lead in Parliament to address several issues on the continued genocide being committed against the Palestinians. Al Jama-ah has constantly demanded for and subsequently voted for the expulsion of the ambassador of the unlawful state of Israel.  Honourable Ganief Hendricks has raised concerns in parliament on International Children’s day surrounding the plight of the children in lieu of the slogan for every child, every right yet thousands of children are being massacred in Palestine and are suffering and being denied these rights.

In our solidarity campaign with the Palestinians, Al Jama-ah has been actively involved in attending and coordinating, several marches, awareness programs and protests around South Africa in solidarity with Palestine as well as creating awareness through social media platforms and assisting with aid to Gaza.

Cllr Thapelo Ahmad duly reminded South Africa in an interview as to their obligation to the Palestinians, “Palestine was one of the states that assisted South Africa. They deployed every resource that they had even though they were under siege by the same apartheid regime like ourselves in South Africa. They brought everything they had to us in that in our liberation we would not forget them. It is thus an issue of principle, solidarity for Palestine is an obligation to us they are our friends.”

Cllr Imraan Moosa at picket at Israeli embassy emphasised that, “We stand totally against the oppression of the Palestinians. We call upon Israel, the American government and UK government to stop the genocide and oppression against the Palestinians. We as South Africans are proud that we have been through an apartheid struggle. But our apartheid struggle was not like the apartheid struggle of Palestinians. They are being bombarded, they don’t have water, and they don’t have electricity nor health services. This is not a war it is total oppression”.

Al Jama-ah recognises the right of Palestinians to resist against their oppressors.

Al Jama-ah invited Hamas and other resistance fightrs to Parliament wherein crucial information was shared by the resistance on the condition that the people of Palestine found themselves in and the extent of the atrocities being committed.

The relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza strip as of 7th of October has led to death toll for the people of Gaza of over 20 000 martyred, more than 42 000 injured, over 300000 homes destroyed, and over 250 000 partially destroyed a 1000 families wiped off the population registry, medical care workers and journalists deliberately killed and arrested.

The bombing of schools, universities, museums, mosques and churches a deliberate attempt at destroying the history, culture and future of the Palestinians

The Zionist has cut electricity, food, water, and fuel supplies to Gaza. They have bombed hospitals and places of safety in Gaza with a clear intent to create both famine and a health crisis in Gaza.  

There is no doubt that the war crimes being committed is in order to disposes the land from the Palestinians and to subject them to extreme hardships, to destroy their future, history and the culture.

Palestinians suffers in the broader Palestine under constant attacks by the IDF soldiers and settlers theft of land and property, murder, arrests and incarceration of men, women and children with the most horrific of tortures detailed by those who were released during period of negotiations.

Al JAMA-AH spokesperson Adv. Shameemah Salie has been actively involved in protests and marches for Palestine for many years and has alongside fellow legal professionals assisted pro-Palestinian activists who are being targeted by Pro-Israel supporters and law enforcement.  Adv. Salie duly notes, “As we heed the heart-breaking genocide unfold in Gaza. We have witnessed in South Africa how the Zionist tentacles have spread through our country operating through Pro Israel political parties such as the Democratic Alliance, Patriotic alliance, ACDP,Cope , Bosa, Freedom Front Plus, Cape Exit and the rest of the moon-shot pact. The gentrification, economic oppression, purchasing and selling of City lands to Zionist, oppressive bylaws and implementation thereof, as well as excessive force by law enforcements has raised a red alert in South Africa surrounding the true intentions of these parties. We should awaken from our slumber and not be voting for these parties who are remnants of our apartheid government of the past. We cannot support those who support genocide and oppression”

Al Jama-ah calls for an:

– Immediate and permanent ceasefire
–  Countries around the world to provide medical convoys to assist the injured in Gaza
–  End to discussions on a two state solution which has been used for decades by the unlawful occupiers to commit their atrocities against Palestine
–  Open the borders and allow for increased quality aid to be allowed into Gaza.
–  South Africa to cut trade with unlawful occupiers and impose sanctions
–  Demand that the Government and National Prosecuting authority prosecutes all South Africans serving in the IDF
–  Demand that all involved in the atrocities against Palestine be held accountable in the International Court for war crimes
–  That South Africa mobilise and provide arms for the Palestinian resistance
–  Do not stop speaking about and sharing information on Palestine

We are the voice of every child, every elder, every women and man of Palestine.

We demand return of the land to the rightful owners the Palestinians